How to protect your credit card from being stolen
A lot of people are afraid of payment via the Internet because of the fear that the hacker stole the card number and thus can cause many problems and thefts, and here are some important tips outlined in this regard:
1 - Do not give a credit card number to anyone you know or do not know.
2 - preferred and strongly use Card Debit Card so as not to be able hacker to exploit, and if they are the kind that are filled, do not fill out a large sum not acting in a short period, but preferably add the required amount only and payment within a day or two so as not to hacker gets on the field for the use of the card.
3 - Install the integrated protection programs (firewall anti-virus anti-spyware) and make sure it is updated.
4 - Do not use Internet Explorer or any other browser is built upon Internet Explorer or Firefox, but use a different browser just like, Maxthon or Avant such as safer because they Opera
5 - Do not store credit card information in the computer.
6 - Do not pay through a computer in Internet Cafes.
7 - Make sure that the site you are dealing with a reliable and uses encryption feature bit 128 - (and is the emergence of a picture lock in your browser)
8 - I would recommend using Linux systems for free from the problems of viruses and spyware, as well as hacker and I would recommend using the Live distributions, and is operating from the disk without the need for installation, as they wipe all traces of your purchase you've made.
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